Mathilde A.

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Copenhagen, Denmark

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Über Mathilde A.

32 Jahre alt | Student

I grew up in a smal village in the countryside and am currently living in Copenhagen. I'm doing my master's programme at the University of Roskilde studying a mix of social sciences and cultural studies. For the past years I've been working as a caretaker for a disabled girl and as a student assistant in an NGO and have done a lot of political and social activism. I love traveling, meeting new people and exploring new places.
I have been housesitting a beautiful home of a beautiful family in central France for a month taking care of the house and the animals while getting to know the neighbours and the hood which I enjoyed very much. Besides that, I have also been woofing on a couple of organic farms in Southern France for the past years and I have a bit of experience with animals, gardening, etc. I have been living in collectives in Copenhagen for several years now, and I am good at handling other people's homes and things with respect and responsibility.
Besides this, I am very open minded and easy-going. I love dancing, hiking, nature, friends and a glasses of red wine.

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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Französisch

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Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft


Christine b.

Beaugas, France - Dezember 2022

Mathilde et Rebecca se sont très facilement adaptées à notre environnement. Elles se sont particulièrement bien occupé des animaux et nous avons retrouvé une maison impeccable. Nous serons ravis de refaire appel à elles et nous les recommandons chaudement. Les échanges en français ne sont pas un problème.


Allonzier-la-Caille, France - November 2021

Mathilde est très sympathique. Simple et souriante, nous lui avons fait confiance tout de suite. Le feeling est très bien passé et nous savions que nos animaux seraient bien pris en charge. Elle a créé des liens avec le voisinage très rapidement. Ces derniers la remercie pour l'ambiance partagé tout au long de la semaine.

Sylvie d.

Gelles, France - August 2019

Mathilde is a very nice, open and honest person. We have been 100%% reassured having her in our house and looking after the animals. She had a good relationship with the neighbors too ???? I warmly recommend her as housesitter. Thank you Mathilde for taking care of our house and animals ????

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