Michael N.

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Copenhagen, Denmark

Letzte Aktivität: vor weniger als 10 Tagen
Letzte Aktivität: vor weniger als 10 Tagen

Über Michael N.

48 Jahre alt | Pre retired | Allein

I am a pre-retired 47 year old man, whom amongst has a special passion in Traveling, Plants & Animals.
Nature & the environment in general.
I have traveled a lot via my jobs with amongst Scandinavian Airlines. I began my career with in aviation as 17 year old & been retired for about 3 years, now.
Now i am retired I have more time to stay places for longer.
As I still receive Airline staff tickets very cheap. I think this concept is wonderful for my situation.
I have always worked with in the service area..
I am also a trained home "Social & health helper" as it is called in Danish.
The welfare of people, plants & animals (Organic life) I have always cared for, and have had amongst, rabbits, cats, terrapins, in & outdoor fish, dogs etc, from my childhood.
Animals usually seem to feel a good vibe from me.
Since childhood helped my father in the garden & know how to lawn the grass etc.
I often try to "rescue" "dying" plants :-) Haha. :-)
My parents had a swimming pool for quite some years. So i do have some experience in daily maintaining.
In general. I care for details. Especially if requested to, in any specific area.
I am flexible & would even in cases be able to extend my stay if necessarily, as my retiree staff airline tickets are fully flexible/changeable.
Also I would be able to take on a job with relative short warning, as I have good amount of spare time, besides traveling & looking after my own summer house in Denmark, which i own together with my Younger brother.
I Live in the suburbs of Copenhagen, Denmark. Was born in Manchester, UK.
I speak/understand English & Scandinavian languages, & slight Germen, from my school days.
I am a positive, patient, calm, trustworthy person, with a good/warm heart.

If someone should wonder regarding why I am retired at my age, it is due to redundancy at my airline, SAS, Scandinavian Airlines, and the fact that I partially receive my income via a Danish bakery factory store/chain in Buenos Aires, Argentina, which i have partly ownership in.

Please do not hesitate, to ask for further questions.
I hope very much to hear from people round the world, whom would be interested in me, doing house/pet sitting.

Best Greetings.

Michael Nelson

Copenhagen, Denmark

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