Josephine B.

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Copenhagen, Denmark

Über Josephine B.

27 Jahre alt | Housesitter | Als Paar/Duo

*We have more than 30 amazing references on the TrustedHousesitters platform. We just signed up to Nomador, and therefore we do not have any reviews here. Please see our website below or follow this link for references. Thank you!

Hi there! Thank you for considering us to be your trusted housesitters!

We are the GoodHousesitters, Josy and Nate, from Denmark and England, a mindful, tidy and non-smoking couple offering international house sitting and pet sitting, including garden and pool care!

Please feel free to visit our website to learn more about us and for even more references.

Over the past 4 years we have completed more than 25+ housesits and taken care of almost a 100 animals across the world, from Indonesia to New Zealand, France to California. Can we help you next?

A little background history..

We are both passionate full-time travellers and animal lovers. When we met 5 years ago in Portugal, we started travelling together and simultaneously we created a life where we could work on the road while exploring the world (We lived in a van for 5 years combined!).

But what about the animals? Both of us grew up with all sorts of animals from horses, chickens, goats and dogs.

Josy continued her pursuit of horses and animal communication at wild horse sanctuaries in California to animal therapy in England as well as she did a veterinarian internship.

Nathen's family have a small animal sanctuary in France and Nathen has rescued puppies in Morocco and together we rescued 4 dogs in Bali.

It seemed like the answer was obvious - the best way to combine our passions was simple: international housesitting!

And here we are - ready to help you feel relaxed and comfortable while we take care of your house, garden and animals while you are away.

We can confidently say that we are capable of doing any kind of housesit - whether it is off-grid and remote, on a farm with 40 animals, or in a busy city! We have done it all, and we are ready for the next.

Between us we've got what it takes to handle any situation - Nathen is a handyman by heart, Josy is an amazing animal communicator and both of us have green fingers to take care of your garden.

We are passionate about permaculture, gardening, natural & alternative living, photography and filmmaking, crazy and fun experiences and we love to build and create things with our hands. We have some great stories to tell, as life has taken us from filming a documentary in West Africa about the human-food connection in today's world to living completely off-grid on a tiny remote island in Indonesia.

As much as we love a good adrenaline rush we appreciate the still and simple life in the presence of nature and animals more than everything.

We both work online - and good stable wifi is all we need. Nathen helps non-profit organizations tell their story through digital marketing and branding, and Josy helps sustainable businesses with branding, graphic design, and women empowerment and wedding photography.

We only work a few days a week, so we have plenty of time to take care of the animals, the house, and anything in between.

If you read this far, hallelujah! Thank you for taking the time to get to know us. We are excited to meet you and your furry/feathery babies!

Please feel free to reach out to us, if any questions have popped up while reading this. We are excited to hear from you!

Our lives have been around animals for as long as we can remember. Nathen grew up with horses, dogs, and cats - and Josy grew up as a passionate horse rider and dog trainer. Her passion for horsemanship took her around the world beginning at the age of 16. She trained as an Equine Therapy trainer in England to use the power of animals to help children and adults with disabilities. Later on, she found herself in California on a wild horse sanctuary, caring for 600 wild mustangs, burros, and wild pigs. She continued her journey around the states, learning family constellations with animals in the desert, and ended up winning an ASPCA award for helping a beautiful rescued wild stallion.

Between us, on our travels, we have rescued a few dogs in need around the world - and given them all amazing new homes.

Our housesitting journey has led us to take care of donkeys, cows, sheep, goats, pigs, horses, chickens, fish, rats, rabbits, dogs (and puppies) and cats (and kittens).

We will be able to take care of horses with years of experience, and if you are confident Josy will happily train/exercise/ride your horses as well as any stable work needed.

We are both good dog trainers and are happy to implement or continue training your dogs.

Gardening is something we both love - being outdoor makes us happy and we are both passionate about permaculture design. Nathen is handy and can prune, trim or cut anything that is needed and besides making sure your garden and plants will be thriving we are happy to grow, plant, or do anything in between.

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Nathen, 31 Jahre alt, Housesitter, Ehepartner / Partner

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