Mary l.

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Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

Über Mary l.

45 Jahre alt | Marketing Manager, Founder NGO

We are a couple (Australian & French) who have been living in West Papua, Indonesia the past 4 years. We have worked professionally in the sustainable tourism field, along with building our own foundation/ngo for marine conservation at the same time. We are relaxed, easy going and open minded, love to laugh and have travelled the world together. We easily make friends and connect with people. We are respectful of others places and spaces, and having spent 4 years working in tourism/hospitality as managers, and we understand well how to be a good host, and an even better guest!
Lynn: is Australian and has 15 years marketing experience in both the commercial and conservation sector and is a practicing yoga teacher and freediving instructor.
Arnaud: is from the south of France, and is a marine ecologist, scuba diving instructor and environmental educator
This coming summer we are looking to take a longer period time in France or Italy, and would love to house sit and take care of somebody's home during this time. We love animals, nature and Arnaud loves gardening as well. We look forward to loving your home, pets and garden, as much as you do!

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Arnaud , 35 Jahre alt, Marine Ecologist, NGO Founder & Manager, Ehepartner / Partner

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Französisch

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