John (randy) j.

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San Antonio, Texas, United States

Über John (randy) j.

75 Jahre alt | Prof., MD

Professor Jinkins completed his Medical Degree at the University of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston, Texas, and his Radiology Internship and Residency at Emory University Affiliated Hospitals, Atlanta, Georgia. He subsequently attended a two year Neuroradiology Fellowship at Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard University, Boston, Massachusetts, and a one year MRI Fellowship at Huntington Medical Research Institute, Pasadena, California. His most recent research encompassed the clinical development and initial clinical research on positional/kinetic imaging of the spine using the first dedicated upright, weight-bearing, dynamic-kinetic MRI unit (Upright MRI). Other research included the study of the practical applications of intrathecal gadolinium enhanced MR myelography/cisternography, the radioanatomic analysis of degenerative changes of the discal and nondiscal structures of the spine, and the anatomic-physiologic delineation of spinal syndromes. He has published as author, co-author or editor an aggregate of over 275 publications including textbooks, textbook chapters, scientific articles, abstracts, editorials and digital teaching matter. Worldwide, he has presented at scientific venues a combined total of over 500 scientific papers and invited lectures, and has contributed more than 75 scientific posters and exhibits. He is a Fellow of the American College of Radiology (FACR: Reston, VA), founder and past President of the American Society of Spine Radiology (ASSR: Oak Brook, IL), member and past Chairman of the Texas Chapter of the Explorers Club and present Fellow of the Explorers Club (FEC: New York City, NY).

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