Jenny z.

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Lodi, California, United States

Über Jenny z.

38 Jahre alt | Legal and Policy Manager

We're a couple in our mid-30s living in San Francisco. We unfortunately don't have pets of our own because our lifestyles and lease don't allow for it, but we spend plenty of time appreciating and loving on everyone else's. :) We love to frequent dog-friendly parks and hiking trails. I also get plenty of quality time with dogs via my family; my parents have a dog (a mutt we adopted from Mexico), and my brother's family has two (a giant golden doodle that is often mistaken for a fluffy horse, and a labradoodle).

While we love dogs and cats in particular, between the two of us we grew up with dogs, cats, birds, fish, turtles, and chickens. While we don't have direct experience with anything else, we love most (I don't love spiders...) creatures/critters and are open to caring for yours, as long as you can provide the necessary guidance and information. I don't have much of a green thumb, but my partner Dave most certainly does!

We're conscientious, thoughtful, and responsible and we'd love to help you take care of your animals and home!

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Meine Reisebegleiter
David, 39 Jahre alt, Senior VP / Equity Analyst, Ehepartner / Partner

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