Joëlle X.

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New Plymouth, Taranaki, New Zealand


Über Joëlle X.

67 Jahre alt | artist & gardener

Hello, I am Joëlle, French born but living in New Zealand since 1983 where I arrived on a 2 years teaching contract.
After many years teaching and more recently 11 years as the Active Recreation Advisor of the local regional sport trust,  I decided to take the plunge and follow my dream of becoming a full time artist, sculpt, mainly stone at this stage and do some land art.
My family is a bit of a melting pot of nationalities, mainly from France and Scandinavia which may be why I enjoy travelling and meeting people from different cultures. Fluent in French and English, I also have some German, Spanish...and Latin which is actually proving quite handy at times to guess the meaning of some words.
I am friendly and easy going, love getting stuck in my own and my friends’s gardens, and enjoy bush, mountain and beach walks ... and very dark chocolate.
A home owner myself, I am considerate of other people’s home, resourceful and quite handy when basic home maintenance is required.

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Donald, 62 Jahre alt, Artist, Ehepartner / Partner

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Französisch

Erhaltene Komplimente


Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft


Patrick a.

Valence, France - August 2019

J'ai accueillis Joëlle et Donald. Le contacts à été de suite très agréable. Ce sont des gens charmants, avec un très grand respect à tout point de vue. Je recommande vivement leur acceuil et s'il fallait retenir encore une fois leur prensence je le ferais volontiers. Merci à eux

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