Naomi W.

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Wellington, Wellington, New Zealand


Über Naomi W.

28 Jahre alt | Judicial Officer + Student | Allein

Kia ora and Hello!

I'm Nae (Naomi), a travelling kiwi nomad with a love for history, virtual reality and science fiction.

I am a student and I'm looking for quiet places where I can get some study done while enjoying life at a slower pace and exploring the world.

I enjoy board games, jazz music, Bachata dancing, cooking and being social. I have hosted couch-surfers before and house-sat locally so can provide you with references via email.

I am a distance student. I am doing two bachelors degrees: A Bachlor of Professional Commuication and a Bachalor of Library and Information Science.

I focus more on people and experiences than things, with most of my precious items being technical. I desire to live simply.

I enjoy house sitting for several reasons:
(1) I'm not ready yet to make a long term commitment to having pets but I love animals!
(2) It allows me to really take the time to see local areas and truly get to know a new place, in a way you can not when travelling quickly,
(3) It gives me the time to stop, breathe and focus on myself and my studies.

As a Maori our culture places emphasis on the home, and as a guest I know there are responsibilities. You can rest assured that you will come home to clean linen, and dinner ready to simply heat and eat for your first night back! I am also happy to hang out that last load of washing or do the last lot of dishes if you ran out of time before you left.

Quite simply you can rest assured knowing that your home and pets are in good hands and that my version of a 'big night' will be playing video games until 1am in the morning and then going to sleep!

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Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft


Regina D.

Berlin, Germany - September 2019

Naomi and Jesse are very nice people. They took care of our plants. Everything was very clean and tidy and our plants are doing great! :-) We can highly recommend them! Thanks for everything.

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