Pia W.

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Raglan, Waikato, New Zealand

Letzte Aktivität: vor 3 Wochen

Über Pia W.

69 Jahre alt | retired teacher | Allein

Hi, kia ora, Hallo

I am a fit Swiss, retired teacher living in New Zealand since 1987. I love to travel and regularly visit my home country. I will be in Switzerland and its surrounding countries from May till end of September 2024 and I am looking for house (pet, garden) sitting opportunities for some of this time.

After my return to New Zealand I will be available for house, pet and garden sitting again in New Zealand and also in Australia ( from October 2024).

I can offer you my skills and experiences attained from numerous house and pet (cats/dogs) sitting opportunities in Raglan, New Zealand, my place of residence. Recently, I have gained more valuable experience with house/pet sitting In Europe. I have looked after two senior cats in Zurich and two very old and completely blind cats in Austria. In London I had the opportunity to look after an allotment garden and house. During these "sits" I have met very diverse and amazing hosts who were helpful, kind and grateful. I have enjoyed every one of these housesits and believe they are based on mutual trust and respect.

Some of my personal traits and skills include:
- looking responsibly after your house (eg rubbish disposal, recycling, cleaning etc) and gardens (including watering, weeding and harvesting crops)
- caring lovingly for cats, dogs and other animals
- meeting you pets' individual needs (cuddles, walks, feeding schedules and giving medication) as indicated by the host
- responding promptly and efficiently to unforeseen events (eg accidents or illness of pets)
- maintaining vegetable gardens and caring for indoor plants in your absence
- regular updates regarding your property and your animals' wellbeing

Some of my interests include yoga, walking, hiking, music, reading, growing organic food, different cultures, environmental issues/groups, history, diverse cultures, and of course socialising.

Due to my maturity and life experiences in various countries I am very flexible, adaptable and culturally sensitive.
I am looking forward to caring for your precious home and pets.

Additional notes:
1. I can provide additional references from New Zealand per email.
2. Correspondence is possible in German and English

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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Deutsch

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Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft



Souffelweyersheim, France - August 2024

Nous avons rencontré Pia, la veille de notre départ. C'est une personne pleine d'énergie, pas compliquée et tout de suite nous avons senti sa bienveillance pour les gens et les animaux. Arrivés à la maison ce sentiment s'est concrétisé : Chakra, notre "mami chatte" s'est laissé caresser par Pia, une étrangère, un long moment. Chose impossible d'habitude . De retour de vacances, la maison était toute propre et Chakra ne nous a pas boudé. Le signe qui ne trompe pas ! Quand Pia reviendra en Europe, nous l'accueillerons avec grand plaisir.

Elisabeth S.

London, United Kingdom - Juli 2024

Pia has been an amazing house-sitter. We don't have a pet, but have a lot of plants, inside and outside, that need caring for. She gave us a few updates during her stay, so we could relax and enjoy our holiday. We could have a couple of weeks away without relying on plant watering favours from friends, but still worrying about all our flowers and vegetables dying in our absence! We came home a tidy and clean home just as we left it. I wouldn't hesitate to recommend Pia to anyone looking for someone to care for their home.

Debora D.

Reith bei Kitzbühel, Austria - Juli 2024

Pia ist eine sehr tierliebende, zuverlässige und in der Betreuung und Pflege von Tieren erfahrene Person. Die Kommunikation mit ihr war unkompliziert und verlässlich. In der Zeit unserer Abwesenheit hat sie sich liebevoll und äußerst kompetent um die Pflege unserer Katzen gekümmert. Pia hat sich nicht davor gescheut den zusätzlichen Aufwand von häufiger, zum Teil stündlicher Medikamentengabe zu übernehmen, da unsere 19jährige Katze kurz vor unserer Abreise plötzlich ein ernstes Problem mit den Augen bekommen hatte. Für diesen Einsatz sind wir sehr dankbar und ich kann nur sagen, dass es ein absoluter Glücksgriff war, Pia als Katzensitterin da zu haben! Außerdem hat sie sich noch bestens um unseren kleinen Garten und um die vielen Pflanzen rund ums Haus gekümmert. Die Wohnung haben wir nach unserer Rückkehr sehr sauber und aufgeräumt vorgefunden. Es war also in allen Bereichen eine äußerst positive Erfahrung mit Pia und ich kann sie zu 100%% hier weiterempfehlen!


Zürich, Switzerland - Mai 2024

Pia was a fantastic housesitter. My cats loved her, she kept me informed and kept my apartment very clean. She did a great job with the plants on my balcony and even offered me to buy food for my return. She is very trustworthy, friendly and independent. I would definitely recommend her to everyone.

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