Megan m.

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Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

Über Megan m.

64 Jahre alt | self employed - house cleaning

We are a recently retired couple in our 50's. I've had a very successful house-cleaning business for the past 10 years, earned the trust of many long term clients who entrusted me with the keys to their home, and were rarely present while I cleaned. My husband has been a professional working for 40 years with a leading Canadian Chartered Bank. Our three children have moved out and we are looking to travel more, discover more communities and meet new people. Our first house sitting opportunity was in Nov 2018. We cared for a rambunctious poodle and operated a B&B in Niagara on the Lake. We loved meeting new people, making gourmet breakfasts, preparing the gardens for winter and discovering the town with the help of their dog.

Our favourite non-human is our 13 year old cockapoo. Although she has slowed down these last years due to her blindness, she still loves to go for a walk and cuddle with her "Dad". We are grateful we have friends and family to take care of her when we are away. We have been homeowners for over 30 years and have renovated and "gardened" our property into a beautiful home.

I have been an adventurer my whole life. Spending my teenage years in Asia, travelling to every continent since then, living in 3 different provinces in Canada and walking the Camino de Santiago on my own in 2015. My most recent adventure connects my love of conversing in Spanish with serving others. On our recent trip to the Dominican Republic, I approached a local elementary school and asked to volunteer with the kids. After interviewing me they placed me with the 5 year olds and I soon discovered my Spanish was not up to "their" speed. However I enjoyed muddling my way through. When I first met my husband he was not an adventurer, however I have been steadily converting him over the years. Even though he likes to settle into a space he does enjoy discovering new places.

You are entrusting us with your home and your pets and it is our desire to treat and respect them the same way we treat our own.

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Bart, 64 Jahre alt, Retired Banker, Ehepartner / Partner

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Spanisch

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