Jannie s.

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Hillerød, Denmark

Über Jannie s.

44 Jahre alt | Socialworker

We are a small family of 3, mum, dad (in our thirties and forties) and our daughter Freya who is 5. We live in Denmark but are up for adventure! Jannie work as a social worker and coordinator at a refugee camp and Jesper is a chef, and very organised ;-). We both grew up with cats and dogs and have had a few dogs together and a cat. Jannie also grew up on a dairy farm and have been a horse owner twice + plus worked with racehorses and horse trekking in New Zealand. So we looove animals and the life on a farm.

We have been house sitting in Canada on a farm and also in a city apartment and we enjoyed both very much.
As persons, we value honesty, commitment, kindness, cooperation and common sense.

At the moment we live in an apartment with a small garden were we grow some flowers and veggies, but we are slowly looking for our own place to settle down. So we are opening up for possibilities for that all over the world, which is why we thought this would be a perfect way to do that.
We plan to leave Denamrk around August/September 2019 and head for Canada, where Jespers sister lives and where Jannie will study Yoga for a month or two. Thereafter we will look for warmer places like Hawaii, the pacific and New Zealand.
But we are open for opportunities, so feel free to contact us!

Looking forward to hear from you <3

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Freya Luana, 10 Jahre alt, Child, Kind
Jesper, 47 Jahre alt, Chef, Ehepartner / Partner

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Deutsch | Englisch

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