Irma v.

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Chicago, Illinois, United States

Über Irma v.

55 Jahre alt | Holistic HR & Yoga Teacher

Born and raised city girl reconnecting with nature and more remote environments. I love to experience the planet and new cultures through travel to other countries. Wherever I am, I teach/practice yoga, meditate, dance and heal energy.
I've been a homeowner since I left my parents home of 6 siblings in 1992, and a landlord for almost that long as well. I consider home space sacred and can care for your place with as much attention as I would one of my own properties, to give you peace of mind while you are away. I set the tone of a home's energy at safety, function, warmth and abundance.
I grew up with 2 dogs in my family and raised the female Chow Chow for 16 beautiful years. Animals naturally trust and gravitate towards me as I respect them profoundly due to my shamanic beliefs and practices which respect all beings. This will be reflected in my care and treatment of them.

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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Spanisch

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