Kimberly d.

Dieser Benutzer hat mehrere Identitätsdokumente überprüfen lassen und positive Rückmeldungen von der Nomador-Gemeinschaft erhalten.

Bagnes, Valais, Switzerland

Letzte Aktivität: vor weniger als 10 Tagen
Letzte Aktivität: vor weniger als 10 Tagen

Über Kimberly d.

53 Jahre alt | Chalet manager | Als Paar/Duo

I adore animals of all stripes. My regular pet-sitting charges are Max the 10-year old French Bulldog and Nigel the 9-year old moggie cat. Max is a lovebug, always in your shadow, in need of loooong daily walks and regular medications; Nigel is an independent roamer in need of only fresh food, a watchful eye, and the occasional preen with the grooming brush - despite the difference I adore them in equal measure. Previously, I raised Candy, a "Guide Dogs for the Blind" German Shepherd puppy.

I travel with my boyfriend when he can manage time-off from work in Verbier. We are keen walkers, so ourselves go for a long walk everyday and appreciate the company of a dog if one wants to join. Both in our 50's, we are quiet, respectful, careful, and appreciate the trust to be welcomed into your home.

My current Chalet Manager job allows me extensive time off for travel in the summer & fall which precludes having a pet of my own, however it makes me well-qualified to collect & sort mail, tend gardens, and assure the safe upkeep of your home.

I welcome your enquiry and look forward to hearing from you. I am interested to see-Europe as well as return back to California, and am most keen on extended stays of 1 week+. Thank you and merci!

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Valdis, 53 Jahre alt, Handyman & Chauffeur, Ehepartner / Partner

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Französisch

Erhaltene Komplimente

Gibt Neuigkeiten

Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft


Banahan E.

Fort Lauderdale, United States - September 2023

Kim is the best pet sitter we have ever had! We recently went on a trip to France for two weeks, and we were so worried about leaving our beloved dog, Finn, behind. But Kim came through for us in a big way! She took such good care of Finn while we were away, and she also made sure our house was in perfect condition when we returned. We met with Kim before our trip to discuss Finn's needs and to introduce her to our home. She was very kind and knowledgeable, and she immediately put us at ease. We could tell right away that she was a genuine animal lover, and that she would take great care of Finn. While we were away, Kim gave us regular updates on Finn's well-being. She sent us photos of him playing relaxing and we could see how happy he was with Kim. We were so grateful for her updates, and it put our minds at ease to know that Finn was in such good hands. When we returned from our trip, it was clear that Kim had taken excellent care of Finn. Our house was also in perfect condition, too. We highly recommend Kim to anyone looking for a pet sitter. She is reliable, trustworthy, and compassionate. She truly loves animals, and she will take great care of your furry friend while you are away.

Elise e.

Poitiers, France - August 2023

Kim et son ami ont été de parfaits compagnons pour Capuche et ont pris parfaitement soin de notre appartement en notre absence. Nous sommes ravis de leur séjour chez nous, ils nous ont donné fréquemment des nouvelles de Capuche et les échanges sont fluides et faciles. Kim parle très bien français, malgré ce qu'elle en pense ! Merci encore à vous deux et à une prochaine fois peut être !

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