Ben b.

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Morro de São Paulo, State of Bahia, Brazil

Über Ben b.

61 Jahre alt | restaurant chef and martial art trainer

For the last 30 years I'm leading an almost nomadic life out of my backpack. 'Old school'- traveling..going places out of curiousity, driven by fellow traveler's stories, picture books etc...
I am Dutch/ Indonesian, 56 years old and a kitchen chef and a martial art instructor and until now I have managed to combine the two professions while on the road. I have worked all over the world. In the kitchen or in the dojo. I have been working at wild animal shelters in Thailand, Laos & Brazil, done internships at organic crop and animal farms in Japan & Indonesia. I am an experienced buider, participating eco-sustainable construction projects in the Netherlands, Costa Rica, Brazil, Japan and Thailand.
The Nomador philosophy relates to my ideas towards traveling, connecting equal spirited travelers, our strong connection with nature, genuine love and respect for animals. I strongly believe in the cultural exchange and helping to build a society of travelers based on mutual trust.
I am open-minded, social, easy to adapt and adventurous but responsible.

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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Deutsch | Englisch | Spanisch | Portugiesisch

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