Bradley r.

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Nelson, Nelson, New Zealand

Über Bradley r.

26 Jahre alt | Retail

Hey! My name’s Bradley, I've just recently joined Nomador. I'm wanting to travel around Europe and experience the culture over there, starting with France. I’ve been learning French for a while now and would like to continue advancing my French speaking while meeting new people and making some friends along the way.
I was born in Nelson, New Zealand where I have lived all my life. Now that I’ve recently gotten my British passport I finally have the travel itch and want to go explore somewhere new. I've been working in a hardware store for the past 3 years and that's taught me a lot with garden care, building the occasional BBQ or table and a bit of knowledge about the house. I'm a musician and have completed my grade 8 ABRSM exams for violin & piano (as well as grade 5 music theory) so In my free time when I wasn’t working I was continuing to advance my musical knowledge and skills. I've been playing violin in the Nelson symphony orchestra for the last 3 years, and piano in a church band for the last 6 years. I really want to focus more on advancing my Musical skills and thought I could do that while looking after animals and houses.
I’m great with animals, I’ve grown up all my life living with cats & dogs in our family. I’ve done lots of training as well, a few years ago me and my dog won an agility competition.
I’m an active person and enjoy most sports as well as running, walking/hiking and just exploring nature in general. So if your dog would need a long walk or run I’m sure I could keep up with their pace, fast or slow.

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