Pippa c.

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Portsmouth, England, United Kingdom

Über Pippa c.

35 Jahre alt | Teacher

A reliable pet lover looking to explore different walks of life while taking care of your home while you do exploring of your own!

I am a creative and active 30 year old with a friendly familiar called Gesso (named after the acrylic primer; we're ready for anything thrown at us!) After 15 years in teaching and childcare (now turned freelance writer) I have found myself bitten by the travel bug and in urgent need of exploration. My homebase is in Portsmouth where I keep a tidy and secluded studio. Self-sufficient and competent, I am ready, willing and able to take on the duty of caring for your home and welcome the taste for different lifestyles!

I have my first formal housesitting assignments in the Netherlands from the 1st of June to the 18th of July putting to use my skills gained as successful governess and live-in au-pair around the south coast of England. I have owned and taken care of many pets (dogs and cats) and I love the outdoors and getting stuck into work outside! Where to next? Maybe to where you have made your home!

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Gesso, 5 Jahre alt, Cat, Andere

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