Lucie z.

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Světice, Central Bohemian Region, Czech Republic

Über Lucie z.

36 Jahre alt | bank official

Hello, we are family from Czech republic. We live in a calm village near to Prague. We take care of small garden with some vegetable and herbs.
Before our son was born, we traveled a lot all around a world. Now, we start to enjoy travelling from new perspective and we visited Madeira and Srí Lanka with Samuel. He is excited about traveling also and from his first steps he is absolutelly cat lover! Anywhere we are, he is looking for some cats:-)
We both grew up with animals, but now we can´t have any, because of traveling.
With our son, we decided to change our traveling routine and stay on one place for approximately one month. Our idea is to show him our world but give him background and comfort of household, not only hotel room.
So, if we can join traveling it with care of some cats or some other small animals, it is heaven for our family! Certainly, we can say, your pets will get very gentle care and attention.
When we are at home, we like gardening, walks and cooking and baking bread:-) My husband loves trekking in high mountains (Himalaya, Andes). I like sewing. Samuel loves reading.
Our son has a food allergy, so, I have to prepare food for him every day. Even while traveling, we can´t use any restaurants and it means some extra time in kitchen.
At this moment, i am at maternity leave for next two years and my husband works as a bussinesman in field of gas and electricity delivery. He can works anywhere, there is internet:-)
Home-sitting is a wonderfull opportunity to enjoy a peacefull holiday wiht some lovely animals. I hope, we can help anybody to enjoy his/her holiday, and take care of a house and garden.
Lucie, Ladislav and Samuel

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Ladislav, 54 Jahre alt, businessman, Ehepartner / Partner
Samuel, 7 Jahre alt, Kind

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