Randy d.

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Lansing, Michigan, United States

Über Randy d.

68 Jahre alt | Librarian

Hello. I’m a retired librarian with a yen to see the world one housesit at a time and would love to be a sitter for you. I live in Lansing, Michigan with my partner Shannon and our energetic, young kitty, Agatha, who was named after the fictional detective Agatha Raisin. I own the home we live in and with Shannon fixed up two nearby homes, which rent out. I am a non-smoking vegetarian and love the outdoors and environment. I’m a meditator, avid cyclist, yoga student, Dutch language learner, and soccer fan, with special affection for Ajax, the Dutch team from Amsterdam. I love listening to music, especially classical and jazz. I enjoy gardening and growing the food that we eat. The short Michigan summer and growing season means that canning and freezing for later is a must. We usually have homemade canned tomato sauce, whole tomatoes, and peppers in the cellar and pesto in the freezer. In 2021, I re-started playing chess, after a multi-decade hiatus. It’s now my latest obsession.

At one time, we had 5 cats and a dog. Sadly, time and illness has claimed all of them. We adopted Agatha in December 2021, after PeeWee, the last of the 5 cats, died of bladder cancer. I’ve had pets almost continuously since I was a boy. My first dog was a mutt named Blackie. My first cat came during college, and I’ve had a cat in the house ever since. I know how much I care about our pets so can easily imagine your affection for your animal companions.

For relaxation, I like nothing more than putting on a jazz record, pouring a glass of wine, and cracking open up a good mystery or science fiction novel. Most afternoons around dinner time, you can find me in the kitchen throwing together a vegetarian supper. I cook simple meals with whole food ingredients. My cooking reflects my outlook on life: Keep it simple, healthy, and honest. After dinner, it's Dutch study time, either reading a Dutch language book or website or studying vocabulary with an app.

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Shannon, 54 Jahre alt, Librarian, Ehepartner / Partner

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