Sian g.

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London, England, United Kingdom

Über Sian g.

63 Jahre alt | Fire Officer

We are a retired couple in our 50’s but don’t feel it! We were London firefighters for a combined total of over 59 years, so we are still fit, very practical and well experienced at dealing with emergencies and solving problems. We have our own home in London but hope to sell up and move to Devon. So if we can house sit in the Devon area we would love that. We are very used to taking care of people and pets. We have our own grown children and now grandchildren, who we have helped look after for the last 2+ years. Whilst we no longer have our own pets, we are happy to look after a range of animals. Whilst we are new to housesitting we are very capable & proud homeowners who can be trusted to look after someone’s property and pets as if they were their own. We love travelling and discovering new areas. We are members of many groups including the Ramblers, a local running club, a choir and we regularly take part in parkrun. We also use our bikes in lieu of a car when we can. We are well respected and trusted members of whatever community we reside in. We always get involved locally with whatever is going on. We feel that’s the only way to really get to know a community, become part of it. Most recently that was Glossop in Derbyshire, where we lived so we could help with our grandchildren. Sian volunteered by taking woman with disabilities swimming and Tim was an active member of the local Choir and performed for local groups. We still have many friends that we are still in touch with from that area. We respect the planet and will reuse and recycle where we can. We have rented 3 houses over the last 3 years, and we have on record, following the inventory, that we returned those homes in a more than excellent condition. We can be absolutely trusted to look after your pets and home in the way you would wish. If you have any questions we will answer all of them honestly. We look forward to hearing from you and many happy housesitting adventures. We are non-smokers.

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Tim , 64 Jahre alt, Fire Officer, Ehepartner / Partner

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