Trish c.

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Thornhill, Scotland, United Kingdom


Über Trish c.

61 Jahre alt | Artist/Scholar

I live near Thornhill in Dumfries and Galloway, Scotland and I am a visual artist and academic. I have two grown up children, a boy and a girl with whom I am close. I live very rurally and love nature. I also love travelling to enrich life and see different things.

I have decided to rent my house out for a year and spend some time in Europe and I have a 12 month visa following Brexit. I have some writing and drawing to undertake for a new book.
I am looking for house sits with longer periods if possible, as I really enjoy being settled and getting to know a place well. I am planning on writing for a new book and making drawings during this period to create a new body of work.

I undertook my first house sit in 2018 for a lovely family in the Luberon and have since undertaken 6 house-sits in France, Italy the UK and Australia with this and another housesitting site. I have also enjoyed over 30 home exchanges with Intervac with my children, so I'm very familiar with staying in other peoples homes. I am respectful and caring of other people's spaces and am used to looking after pets as part of this.
I am very interested in nature, gardening and permaculture. My house here has a large garden in which I grow vegetables and fruit. I'm also interested in architecture, landscape, history and poetry.

I speak French and am learning Italian. I am also in the process of applying for dual-Italian citizenship. I am obtaining visas until then, as Brexit is now of course a consideration.

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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Französisch

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September 2018

Trish looked after our place for 3 weeks. It's no easy task to look after a large, isolated house with dogs and cats. Especially if you’re new to the area. Trish was amazing. She respected perfectly our requirements, found her way around quickly and independently and got on well with our pets. She is a very dependable and conscientious person and your pets and house will be in safe hands if you are lucky enough to have her look after your place. We would be more than happy if she looked after our place again.

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