Monika c.

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Litomerice, Ústí nad Labem Region, Czech Republic

Über Monika c.

57 Jahre alt | manager, farmer

Hi, this is Monika and Karel.

We are married and we create couple and together we create a perfect team.

Your home may be our home for a little while, and we will take care of it with love and respect.

Our children grew up and they have their own families now, so we rented our farm and started to devote ourselves to our other love and that is traveling. We like to get to know other cultures, we always prefer to live in local communities rather than in the tourist resorts. We love solitude and also the city. We accept everything with open heart, esteem and respect.

What can we offer? What are our experiences?

- Our family has always lived with many animal friends. Our pets dogs, cats, guinea pig, bunny, fish, turtle, budgies and parrot lived with us in our big house.

- After some time we managed to build a big farm. At our farm we had horses, dogs, cats, sheep, goats, pigs and some poultry… We have over 25 years of breeding experience.

- Monika has worked as a volunteer for many years at a veterinary clinic like a ‘’nurse’’. So she recognizes if there is a health problem with your little animal friend. She knows how to give medications, inject injections, bandage wounds and all basic vet work a small or large animal patients need.

- we often helped abandoned and injured animals. We took care of them and found a new home or they just simply stayed with us. We provided asylum to abused animals - dogs, cats, horses ... We recognize their suffering and we understand their soul.

- We can also happily help you with renting an apartment (airbnb). We can prepare a room, communicate with guests, and help them with everything they need. We have experiences with renting 3 cottages and a small apartment on our farm, we managed a holiday apartments in Croatia and we are also helping our friend to rent an apartment in Prague.
- Karel is very skilled and hardworking. He enjoys working in the house and in the garden (cutting grass etc.). He can manage the operation on a large farm such as produce hay, drive a tractor, build or fix a fence etc.... I believe he can fix everything in the world ????.

- After renting our farm, we start working more on a computer - Karel makes short movies, Monika prepares study materials and has an online travel agency. We are flexible and we can be anytime, anywhere on this planet. We are responsible, calm, respectful of every household and we can easily adapt to a new challenges or any specific require

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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Spanisch

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