Karen c.

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London, England, United Kingdom

Über Karen c.

57 Jahre alt | Scientist

Hello, we are Karen and Julie. We’re both from Australia, Julie from Sydney and I'm from Perth. As we are between work contracts we are currently housesitting and travelling in London and Europe.

We are both animal lovers, Julie is a keen dog lover and I’m a keen cat lover. We’ve both owned other pets such as chickens and birds, a goat, rabbits, guinea pigs, mice and we’re very good at taking care of humming bird feeders.

We are both homeowners and have a lot of experience with looking after property and dealing with any unexpected problems that may arise. We understand that looking after someone’s home and precious pets is an important responsibility and one that we take seriously and fully embrace.

We are both research scientists and worked in research at the Brentwood VA Hospital, a government run facility in Los Angeles. We have been through rigorous and extensive security checks and police clearances before being authorised to work there.

We are mature, reliable and responsible and caring animal lovers. We appreciate how important pets and homes are to their owners so looking after them will be our top priority while you are away.

Why we are house sitting
A current break between research projects gives us an opportunity to travel and experience different places and communities. We are both very keen travellers who have been fortunate enough to have travelled extensively throughout the world. We have both had the opportunity to live in different places, including London, Los Angeles, Jamaica, Zambia, Zimbabwe and various places in Australia.

A major attraction for us is the opportunity to look after your pets. As we travel so much it’s not possible to have our own pets. We really miss being around animals and having contact with them so love to spend time with them.

We enjoy the experience of house sitting as it gives us the opportunity to travel and immerse ourselves in the local communities and cultures and meet new people. We prefer to stay in a home rather than just flitting through places as a tourist and staying at impersonal hotels.

Our experience
We are both experienced house and pet sitters and will be happy to provide references we have received on other websites and by email.

We love all animals and are experienced and comfortable looking after them. We find that animals respond well to us and we are able to form a good bond with them. We enjoy being around animals and will spend lots of time wit

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Julie, 65 Jahre alt, Scientist, Freund

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