Laura t.

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HKI, Finland

Über Laura t.

36 Jahre alt | Midwife

We're a Finnish couple from in our early thirties looking for house and pet sitting opportunities all around the world. We're laid back and like to live a quiet life and explore. We're trustworthy, reliable and both work in healthcare. I deliver babies in the delivery unit and Joonatan works in an operation theatre.
We've both worked abroad before and adjust well to different surroundings and cultures.
We love all pets and animals, I've had cats before and Joonatan co-owns two adorable tiny dogs (4 and 9 year old chihuahuas who live with their other owner while we travel) and we get along with furry friends splendidly.
We have a month long holiday coming up in October and are available from the end of September until the first days of November. If necessary I can make a head start and come house sit earlier in September.
We both have a drivers licence and are okayish gardeners (watering and basic maintenance works for us, florists we are not). We love meeting new people (and pets) and seeing new places so don't hesitate to contact us! Finns are known for their honesty, straightforward attitude and lack of small talk. We're typical Finns in the honesty department, small talk we've both learned while travelling :)
We'd love to hear from you!

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Joonatan, 36 Jahre alt, Nurse anesthetist, Ehepartner / Partner

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