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Vaasa, Finland

Letzte Aktivität: vor weniger als 10 Tagen
Letzte Aktivität: vor weniger als 10 Tagen

Über Veera

27 Jahre alt | MSc Economics | Allein

An enthusiastic wanderer from Finland, fascinated of new places and experiences as well as meeting people from all around the world.
From September 2024 onwards I'll be living in Spain to immerse myself to the culture and language. I'm looking for new opportunities and would be interested in both, house sitting and pet sitting.
I'm outdoorsy, neat, independent and responsible. I have lived on my own through adulthood and know how to look after my (and potentially your) living space. I have a degree in Economics but at the moment I work as an online language teacher and can be based anywhere.
On my free time I like to spend time outdoors. I especially enjoy long walks in the nature, hiking, cross-country skiing and snowboarding. I was brought up in a calm and peaceful environment in the Finnish countryside. Therefore, already from a young age, I have learned to appreciate nature and it has become a place where I can fully relax and find inner peace. In addition to nature, I love animals! My family has a dog and I have been looking after the pets of my friends and family every once in a while.
I like to meet people and engage in deep conversations around good food and a glass of wine. I am also spontaneous and always up for trying new things. As a mainly extroverted and outgoing person I enjoy being surrounded by people but due to my Finnish heritage I also value independence and spending time on my own. Languages are also a big passion of mine and one of the reasons I've been living in many places abroad and I plan to turn my skills into career some day.

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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Deutsch | Englisch | Spanisch

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