Mareena N.

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Oulu, Finland

Über Mareena N.

50 Jahre alt | Entrepreneur | Allein

I'm a 48-year-old business owner from Finland. I have run a nanny agency for over 15 years now. I also have nearly 20 years of experience as a professional nanny, working for VIP and 'regular' families in 7 different countries. Having lived and travelled with many families all over the world, I adapt well to different homes and environments, and I know the importance of discreetness, reliability, respecting your home and taking excellent care of your loved ones (children or pets).

I grew up in the country, had cats in my childhood home, and have groomed show jumper horses for years as a hobby so I am very comfortable with all kinds of animals and used to hard work! Due to travelling so frequently for work, I have never been able to have pets but I have regularly looked after dogs and cats of friends and employers.

In all of my nanny positions, I have been responsible for at least light cleaning duties and sometimes full housekeeping duties, including cleaning and managing the house (supervising other staff and contractors, arranging appointments, doing laundry, running errands, etc.). I prefer a tidy and clean house but I am also comfortable in, say, farmhouses with lots of animals to clean up after.

I am able to run my business from anywhere in the world, and as long as there is good internet connection, I'm open to offers from any country/location. I can also do long-term house sits.

My mother tongue is Finnish. I speak fluent English and also a little Swedish, Spanish and German.

I don't have any recommendations from house-sits yet but I am able to provide you with checkable references from my nanny employment and people whose pets I've looked after. My first housesit will be for 3 weeks in July 2023.

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