Clem and flav d.

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Perth, Western Australia, Australia

Über Clem and flav d.

35 Jahre alt | Writer

Hello everyone! Nice to meet you :)

We are a friendly french couple, we have been living in Australia for 6 years now. We have been house sitting full time in Perth for 5 years and a lot in Sydney as well, caring for puppies, cats and birds. We lived for 4 months in a Wildlife Sanctuary last year and took care of birds, kangaroos, emus, dingoes, dogs, horses and many more. We know a lot about animals and we love having them and taking time to play with them and care for them. We are also really tidy and like to keep a house clean and in order. We both have been working for cleaning companies so we know how to make everything shine! We also work from home so we have a lot of time for your pets, they won’t feel lonely! The only thing we need is a wifi connection and we’re good to go! Don't worry about your plants either, we love them as well! We have looked after more than 80 houses and pets over the last 5 years and we love being housesitters!

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Flavien, 35 Jahre alt, Day trader, Ehepartner / Partner
Clementine, 34 Jahre alt, Writer, Ehepartner / Partner

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Französisch

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