Jo E.

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Salisbury, England, United Kingdom

Letzte Aktivität: vor mehr als 6 Monaten
Letzte Aktivität: vor mehr als 6 Monaten

Über Jo E.

41 Jahre alt | Pet carer, wellbeing events organiser, artist | Allein

I'm a pet carer since 2016 and organiser of wellbeing & artistic events (conscious dance, healing sound journeys, music & song). Living a conscious & sustainable lifestyle is a high priority for me, I try to keep my carbon footprint as low as possible and I follow a vegan diet. I love looking after animals and it fits well alongside my other projects.

My approach to animal care: It is so necessary to be gentle with them, provide them with lots of love and attention, whilst maintaining good boundaries and training where necessary. I believe that animals are such gifts to us. They are highly intuitive, they sense many things, they sense our emotions and they can be affected by our emotions. They don't have the same over-active thinking brain as we do (though this does not mean they are not intelligent), they are simply more anchored into their own "beingness" and in the present moment.
In many ways, they are our teachers.

My own animals:
At home we have a family dog, Hinojo, who we recovered from an animal shelter. He was badly mistreated as a puppy so he has some behavioural issues, however, he is very smart and playful and keeps us on our toes. We also have a cat called Mango who now lives with my sister, however, I bought her up when she was just a baby after we found her abandoned and decided to take her in.

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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Deutsch | Englisch | Französisch | Spanisch

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