Alicia a.

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Fort Jones, California, United States

Über Alicia a.

58 Jahre alt | Motel Management

Hi my name is Alicia, I'm in my early fifties, I'm all about food and I want to have my own small permaculture farm. To that end I have studied 2 years online and 2 years in college. Now I'm excited to experience how other people apply permaculture, grow food and care for their animals. Last summer I did a 6 week sit that included taking care of dogs, chickens, ducks and gardens. At the beginning of this year I spent a month on a dairy farm and creamery in Oregon. Most recently I have been helping a friend by managing her Motel where I have planted the three sisters. Now I'm looking for another place to learn more! Thank you for reading and I am grateful for the opportunity to caretake your home and all that reside there. :)

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