Chris m.

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Southampton, England, United Kingdom

Über Chris m.

37 Jahre alt | English Teacher

Hi! We're Chris and Annie, we're both English Teachers for an international residential school in England. I'm from the UK and I speak English and some Spanish. Annie is from Spain, and speaks Spanish, English, Basque, some French and Italian.

We're both non-smokers in our 30's. and have been house sitting for family and friends for the last 3 years in Spain and England. During this time, alongside taking care of the security and maintenance of the properties, we have also had the opportunity to spend time taking care of the pets of the family. We have experience taking care of dogs, cats, rabbits, hamsters, fish and turtles. Spending time with the pets of the house is the part of house sitting that we enjoy the most, as with our job we don't have the opportunity to keep any pets, so we enjoy making the most of them when we have the chance.

For us house sitting is good way to travel slow and fit it in with our work commitments. As teachers our work never stops so house sitting gives us the chance to catch up on some admin and give us time to plan for our next semester whilst enjoying the new surroundings living almost as a resident, getting to know the local community.

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Annie, 36 Jahre alt, English Teacher, Ehepartner / Partner

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Spanisch | Französisch

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