Jacob P.

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Milwaukee, Wisconsin, United States

Letzte Aktivität: vor 3 Monaten

Über Jacob P.

38 Jahre alt | International Education | Allein

Hello, my name is Jacob and I am from Milwaukee, WI (US) and have lived in Chicago for many years. I have been travelling around Europe for the last 5 years. Two years teaching in a high school and getting a Master's in International Education in Madrid, two years in Croatia during covid (nervous laugh haha), and now I am travelling around Europe.

I am the youngest child of 5, so I can handle tough situations, but I also enjoy quiet time and relaxing, for the same reason :). I have studied abroad in Mexico, Spain and China and have travelled a bit around central and south america. I enjoy nature and animals, drawing and playing the piano. I don't play much these past few years as its difficult to carry a keyboard piano when travelling, but hey, I get to travel!

I grew up with a golden retriever and 3 wonderful cats. So I'm used to the normal shenanigans of raising, taking care of and living with animals. I have also taken care of dogs with hipbone medication, and cats with heart medication and seizure medication. These past few years, I have just about taken care of most types of animals, rescue, non-rescue and some elderly cats and dogs, just about every type of animal. Nothing shocks me anymore :)

I studied foreign languages and art in college and have been working full-time while working on side projects that are more near to my heart regarding travel, art, music and foreign languages. I am really a language nerd at heart.

I am a native English Speaker. I speak Spanish and Portuguese fluently and I am intermediate in Croatian and Mandarin Chinese

I could go on for hours, but feel free to ask me any questions :)


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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Spanisch | Portugiesisch

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Oktober 2019

We really appreciated our first family vacation since moving into our house. Thank you for making the last minute trip to help us make this happen!

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