Jonathan s.

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Žilina, Žilina Region, Slovakia

Über Jonathan s.

50 Jahre alt | Carer/ photographer

Jonathan Snowball was born in the UK in 1973 and has UK citizenship but lives in Slovakia with his wife and two children. He is an experienced and well qualified carer having gained Distance Learning Certificates on Dementia Care, Diabetes, Infection Control, Promoting Continence, The Safeguarding of Vulnerable Adults and Food Hygiene. Jonathan has also achieved a Level 2 Diploma in Health & Social Care and attended the Consultus Induction & Manual Handling Training Course.

Jonathan describes himself as a capable and easy going gentleman with a compassionate disposition. He likes the experience of meeting new people from all walks of life and enjoys healthy cooking. He is also fond of animals.

Jonathan’s interests and sports include hiking, motorcycle trials riding, sking, photography (website is ) and computers. He holds a EU Driving Licence and is able to drive both manual and automatic cars.

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Jana, 47 Jahre alt, Administrative, Ehepartner / Partner

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