Paul and annie

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Tauranga, Bay Of Plenty, New Zealand

Über Paul and annie

57 Jahre alt | Physio Assistant

We are a married couple from Tauranga, in the sunny Bay of Plenty, New Zealand. We quit our jobs and have rented out our home while we take this opportunity to travel since the last of our dogs passed away. We have no children. We began our travels by spending six months in S.E. Asia, India and Nepal, visiting sights and volunteering at various animal shelters. We have now been in Europe for a month and will continue travelling and help out at other shelters when we can. We are both vegan and non-smokers.

Housesitting is a great opportunity to experience different countries and lifestyles while staying in your home to care for your pets. Having had pets of our own we know how important it is for them to stay at home while their owners are away. So, by housesitting we can help look after them in their own environment.

We are just in the middle of our first house sit, and we're loving it. We're really keen to continue with more sits and to look after your home and pets. We have been lucky to share our lives with our two beautiful dogs (both gone now). We have also had rescue chickens for many years. And looked after many puppies while fostering for our local shelter, over a few years.

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Paul, 55 Jahre alt, IT Systems Administrator, Ehepartner / Partner

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