Malcolm w.

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Cardigan, Wales, United Kingdom

Über Malcolm w.

75 Jahre alt | Council employee (Retired)

Marie (Canadian) and I (Welch) have retired from the rat race for sometime now.
We have been pets/ house sitting for over 10 years, part-time, as we missed the companion of pets whilst traveling.
We only recently registered with Nomador via HSW (11/Jul/19) but have been members of various pet sitting platforms for many years. Reviews and British CRB available upon request.
We are based in Wales, where we own a small holding in the beautiful Welch countryside. We’ve been guardians of dogs, cats and horses all our adult lives. We now only have an old boy that no longer enjoys traveling and so we, too, welcome sitters to our home to care for our beloved pet.
We have extensive experience caring for animals (our own and of others) of all sizes, ages and needs.
We are both down to earth, very level headed, resourceful and responsible.
Rest assure that we will care for your animal(s) lovingly and look after your property responsibly!
When on sitting assignments with pets, our primary concern is our charges and as such we only do proper sight seeing before or after the assignment and really only leave our charges for short periods to go grocery shopping or the occasional local outing.
When we accept a commitment, we honour it 100%.
We quite enjoy spending time at home, relaxing with the pets, going for early walks (avoid the heat, as safety of the pups is a major concern).
Look forward to being able to help and get to stay in a home away from home in the company of loving pets.
Do feel free to contact us.

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Marie, 63 Jahre alt, NHS employee (Retired), Ehepartner / Partner

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