Anita m.

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Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia

Über Anita m.

44 Jahre alt | Public servant / lawyer

Nous sommes une famille (maman, papa, trois filles qui a 10, 9, 5 ans, et un garçon qui a 3 ans) qui viennes d’Australie. Nous espérons habiter en France deux ans (ou plus?!), et nous cherchons une maison où nous pouvons habiter. Nous parlons seulement un peut Français, mais nous essayons! We are dual Australian-British citizens and need to find somewhere to live so we can enrol our children in school and apply for cartes de séjour (so we will need justificatif de domicile, e.g. an attestation d’hebergement and identification from the home owner). A long house-sit would suit us best, and we are happy to take on payment of water, electricity, etc. We have no particular location in France in mind. We are experienced pet and livestock owners, and gardeners - in Australia we had a dog, two cats, chickens, bees, fish, meat rabbits, and kept a productive organic vegetable garden. We are capable of dealing with the usual maintenance and repair jobs around the house and will take good care of any property entrusted to us. Moving to France has been our dream and plan for more than 11 years, and so far everything has gone wrong! We really need some good luck for a change, and somewhere to settle down, for the wellbeing of our kids, if nothing else! We have long-term housesitters looking after our home and animals in Canberra right now, and have also many times before for short holidays, so we understand both sides of the house sitting equation! Please consider trusting us to look after your property and pets, we won’t let you down. Bonne journée.

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Peter, 46 Jahre alt, IT consultant, Ehepartner / Partner
Alexis, 16 Jahre alt, Child, Kind
Kaleigh, 14 Jahre alt, Child, Kind

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