Chrisine s.

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Merrill, Wisconsin, United States

Über Chrisine s.

56 Jahre alt | Home health/ hobby farm

I'm a single semi retired self employed artist these days. I grew up in a big city but after I got married, in my 20s &30s we ran a small trucking company and I raised dairy heifers, horses, chickens, ducks, goats, rabbits, dogs, cats, kids, and of course a garden on our small farm in Wisconsin. I love animals big and small and I'm comfortable caring for elderly or special needs pets too. I have over 20 yrs experience with farm animals and still have the strength to do what must be done. As far as other activities, our family had a 12.5 m Chris Craft boat on Lake Michigan and we lived aboard most weekends in the summer months for many yrs so I am also competent to boat sit and I am familiar with those plumbing and power systems. I hope to fully retire on a sailboat in the Mediterranean someday. I wish there was a place to upload some pics. I like meeting people but I'm perfectly happy with just myself or animals for company and I am usually quiet. My children are grown and busy so I find myself in a position to solo travel and I love it. I would like to experience urban and rural cultures all over the world and learn as much as I can about our planet, its people, history, places, wildlife, FOOD!? I'd love to visit your town and meet your furry family.

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