Regina m.

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Colorado Springs, Colorado, United States

Über Regina m.

56 Jahre alt | Educator


I am Gina, a 51 y.o. Elementary Educator taking a sabbatical from teaching to write! Most recently, I taught kindergarten at an international School in Chengdu, China. In life, my animal companions have been dogs, cats, birds, fish, and reptiles. I still miss my (second) spunky Dalmatian, Chinnamasta Chai, who passed back in 2014. I have cared for horses, chickens, cats, dogs, ponies, homes, sailboats, and gardens. I've also fostered doggies.

I am currently committed through Nov. 9 caring for a delightful and energetic 7 mo. old sheperd mix in Melbourne, Australia. Then, from Nov 16-Dec 10, I am caring for two dogs outside Melbourne. My Australian ETA visa extends through Aug 2020. My International Driver's License is on route from the US!

I seek long-term caretaking of one-month minimum, with preference given to sits of 3 months or longer. I like to be in one place to establish a relationship of trust and provide a sense of security for you and your animals... and write! I can offer multiple references and a police background check. I have impeccible integrity and intend to maintain it!

I have excellent references with phone numbers/email from the people I've pet/housesitted for previously (not through this site yet; I'm new to this site!); I am happy to share them! I also have excellent professional and personal references to offer, including landlord references! In fact, you can learn all about my professional experiences in my online portfolio, which I can share during our communication. (Nomador does not allow email addresses or links in the profile page).

I build my schedule around the needs of your animals and gardens/plants. The rest of my day includes writing and research with breaks for hiking/ walking/ running/ yoga/ swimming. I love taking the dogs with me, if allowed! I also enjoy cooking, so I spend time in the kitchen. I love plants and gardens, so am happy to care for those (I am very nature-inclined!) With dogs, lots of play, walking, and exercise breaks! If I am caring for dogs, they get several walks/plays each day ( I need a break from sitting, and love the outdoors!). I like large breeds and am very comfortable with them (had Dals, Boxers, beagles, collies). I enjoy learning about different breeds. Cats get plenty of lap time. I can harness equines and lead them, unless they're pastured (I never ride without explicit permission). I also like to send pictures of your pets to you freque

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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Spanisch | Chinesisch

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