Rosy & henry

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Edinburgh, Scotland, United Kingdom

Letzte Aktivität: vor einem Monat

Über Rosy & henry

61 Jahre alt | Teacher

We are Rosy and Henry, a mature Scottish couple currently on sabbatical from our regular work as teacher and artist based in Edinburgh. We are fast walkers, keen cyclists, happy gardeners, enthusiastic vegetarian/vegan cooks, non-smokers and novice yogis who are cat crazy and passionate about the arts. In recent years, we have been active volunteers both at home and abroad on various arts and environmental projects and have enjoyed many wonderful cultural exchanges. Now, we are ready for new challenges and adventures and eager to travel again. As we are both creative, practical and have a lifetime's worth of various skills, we can turn our hands to most tasks and respond calmly and flexibly to any problems which may arise. We are highly organised and like to keep our living environments scrupulously clean and super tidy. We can be counted on to be respectful, responsible, reliable, trustworthy and to communicate effectively. We have been home and cat owners for over 30 years and on many occasions, we have been entrusted with looking after the homes, pets and domestic animals of friends and family as well as those of hosts from a volunteer organisation, from which we can provide testimonials. We have always cared for others' homes and animals as if they were our own.
Since we are keen to improve our Italian, Italy would be our destination of choice. However, we would consider other locations depending on the experiences and opportunities these would provide.

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Henry, 61 Jahre alt, Artist, Ehepartner / Partner

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