Jesse s.

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Phoenix, Arizona, United States

Über Jesse s.

35 Jahre alt | Life Coach and Grad School Student

Hello! My name is Jessica, and my fiance, Jesse, and I left the United States last summer on a mission to see the world! We quit our jobs to head out on the adventure of a lifetime, hoping to meet as many people and experience as many cultures as possible along the way. Now after nearly 10 months backpacking abroad we’ve returned to the States but have no plans of settling down. We’re trustworthy, reliable, hard working, and huge animal lovers which is why we're so excited to have stumbled across Nomador!

Jesse is an outgoing, compassionate, reliable and responsible former firefighter and US Marine, now working as a Personal Development and Wellness Coach. He’s also pursuing a Master of Global Management degree online while we travel. Jesse grew up in Iowa on his family farm taking care of the family animals. He's a big teddy bear!

I’ve grown up with dogs and cats in the house my whole life and often find myself looking after my friends pets when they’re out of town. In the summers I travel to Alaska to work at remote fishing lodges. While we travel, I teach English online.

Jesse and I are a great team that won’t let our relationship get in the way of the work at hand. Our relationship has been throughly tested, over the past year especially, but we're stronger now than ever before and ended our trip with an engagement in Paris. We both have a true love for meeting new people, animals and traveling! Most importantly, we're working professionals that want you to have peace of mind when you're away from home. Your house and pets will be in good hands.

We couldn't be more excited for this opportunity and hope to see you soon!

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Jessica Hart, 36 Jahre alt, English Teacher , Ehepartner / Partner

Gesprochene Sprache(n)

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