The aussie housesitters .

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Perth, Western Australia, Australia

Über The aussie housesitters .

60 Jahre alt | Event and membership Manager

Hi there, thanks for checking our profile out.

We are a professional couple recently making the decision to live our ‘second life’ (aka retirement) to the fullest and before we get too old. For us this means being free to explore this beautiful world and meet interesting people (and pets) as we go.

We are adventurous yet careful, flexible but like to have a plan, relaxed personalities but super organised (well Lorraine is), friendly and fun loving but also very responsible. Non smokers, physically fit and healthy, we love walking and exploring new places.

We have strong family values and understand how important your home, possessions and of course your pets are to you.

We offer T.L.C. Housesitting, our commitment to you, should you entrust us to look after you home and pets is:

1). TRUSTWORTHY. You can rely on us to care for your home, possessions and pets with the upmost care and responsibility.

2). LOVE. We promise to love your pets just like they are our own, putting their health and well-being above all else

3). COMMUNICATION. Is key and we are happy to communicate with you whenever and however you require to ensure you have piece of mind while you are not with your pets. Nothing is too much trouble - Skype calls, long rambling emails or even text messages with ‘selfies’ every hour - we want you to relax and feel comfortable leaving your pets in our care.

We hope to hear from you and look forward to meeting your pets.

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Jim , Retired, Ehepartner / Partner

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