Stephanie B.

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Mesa, Arizona, United States

Letzte Aktivität: vor einem Monat

Über Stephanie B.

49 Jahre alt | Attending School Online | Allein

I've worked in the Salon & Spa industry for over 20 years, for the last 10 years I've also volunteered with local animal rescues, fostering, hosting fundraising events and advocating! I’ve always loved animals & connecting to them comes easily. 5 years ago I started a Housesitting/Petsitting business that organically happened through people I met through rescue. I have experience with animals that have medical needs, administering medications, cooking special diets & tending to any other specific requirements. I will send pictures & videos throughout my stay & welcome calls & video chats as well. I’ve met some amazing people along the way & have an awesome community of support & friends through my Rescue & Business. I'm recently an empty nester, having the time now to explore more of the world & check off places & items on my bucket list. I can provide references as well.

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