Andrea M.

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Wofford Heights, Kern County, United States

Letzte Aktivität: vor weniger als 10 Tagen
Letzte Aktivität: vor weniger als 10 Tagen

Über Andrea M.

62 Jahre alt | Retired Teacher/Administrator | Als Familie

Hello! I’m a retired educator and love to travel. My son is a student in college and taking time off to travel with me--I'm so lucky to have such a wonderful traveler. He's both studious and enjoys playing the guitar. I enjoy and am an avid gardener. I have a butterfly and vegetable garden of my own. I also enjoy the, music, and architecture. We both enjoy living, relaxing, and exploring within the community we travel, which is why we choose to travel as house/pet sitters--there’s no better way to immerse oneself in a culture or its surroundings. We do enjoy pets and their company, …and personalities! Sadly,…I’m highly allergic to cats; although they are so adorable!

We want to house and pet sit because we know the feelings of anxiety and stress of not being able to bring all your loved pet family with you—and how difficult it can be when limited in choices of care. Being a part of Nomador gives us the opportunity to give back to other pet families a peace of mind and love and comfort to the pets during these times. We also believe there’s no better way to meet people and communities of various locations and cultures willing to open their homes and trust in you their dearest treasures—their pets!

Looking forward to meeting you and your pet(s) on our travels.

Andrea & Alex

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Alexander, 22 Jahre alt, Student, Kind

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