Beth m.

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London, England, United Kingdom

Über Beth m.

55 Jahre alt | Personal Assisant, Finance Assistant

I am a 50yr old single lady just arrived from Australia to embark on a new life in the United Kingdom and looking forward to exploring all it has to offer, having never been to the area before.

I have had my own dogs, a cattle dog that passed away at 17.5yrs old and an 8yr old kelpie that has stayed with my ex-husband on his property. I love dogs and know how to look after them well. With the house sitting I have done for a few people in the past 10mths, I have been looking after a Labrador cross, a pug, a foxy cross and a budgie.

In my marriage, my ex-husband and I had our own earthmoving business for 24yrs, so I'm no stranger to long hours and hard work & did all the office & administration work for this as well as hands on trades assistant work to him with mechanical repairs and agricultural surveying and so much more.

I was a Registered Nurse for 31yrs & only just stopped paying my registration in 2018. I still love the idea of caring, but the primary hospital industry isn't "care focussed" these days. I still think it's the best job in the world though.

Over the years I've travelled to the USA, Canada, New Zealand, the South Pacific Islands, Singapore, Malaysia and throughout Australia. I've done this in various ways: with a girlfriend, my husband, sometimes on a tour, on a cruise, in a caravan and by motorbike. All of which I've loved.

My most prized possession was my motorbike which I sold when moving. I love road tripping and exploring the countryside and taking my camera with me. I'm relatively adventurous and enjoy exploring new things and meeting people.

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