Samuel t.

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Colorado Springs, Colorado, United States

Über Samuel t.

61 Jahre alt | Real Estate Broker/Realtor

Having had the opportunity to live in Europe (Germany) for nearly 8 years during the 1980s & 90s we are looking for a means of experiencing new cultural experiences throughout Europe and pretty much the World at large! My wife Madeleine is employed as a Flight Attendant (German Speaker) based out of NYC. As travel continues to evolve post Covid, she hopes to get back to flying primarily international trips. She is well versed in taking care of a home (or flight cabin!) and others to include our 4 legged friends. Being recently retired from the real estate industry, I now have the time to be away from home for extended periods. We have owned and maintained several homes over the years. As time goes by, Travel is becoming a priority and house sitting seems to be a great opportunity to help others while enjoying time abroad or just away from "home". We take pride in keeping a clean, orderly environment at home and when traveling, visiting or house sitting for our kids and grand dogs. I am keen to spend time in the Occitanie region of France. We have spent several weeks there over the past few years and become captivated by the depth of history & culture and the great people that we have met there. That said, we would certainly welcome opportunities throughout Europe and the Americas. Open to stays from 1 week to a few months depending on Visa requirements.

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Madeleine, 58 Jahre alt, Flight Attendant, Ehepartner / Partner

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Deutsch | Englisch

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