Sergey and irina

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Sydney, New South Wales, Australia

Über Sergey and irina

46 Jahre alt | Contract Software Engineer

*** ABOUT US ***

I'm a self-employed Australian software engineer, and a beginning artist. In July 2019 my wife Irina and I decided to seize the opportunity to go on a round-the-world trip for a year. For that we're spending a few weeks in different countries. Taking into account our very positive house sitting experience (see "our experience" section), we'd like to do it again.

Check our excellent house sitting references , AirBnB reviews , and welcome to my Facebook page: .

When we travel, we love to explore new lifestyles by living an ordinary local life. Moreover, I'm working almost full time (remote software development), therefore sit at home anyway :) My wife is not working while we travel, hence she's a careful housewife at the moment. Therefore we can provide the additional security of the house being constantly occupied. We have no friends in the places we're visiting so there is no risk of unwanted guests in your home. Non-smokers. Where is our cat while we travel? A close friend of ours adores the cat, and happy to host him as long as necessary.

Altogether, we're a neat and tidy calm couple, experienced and trusted house sitters. We keen on self-development and have a strong sense of responsibility. We can be relied upon completely to take your instructions and treat your home and animals as if they were our own.

We understand, it's a tough decision to allow an unknown person to enter your house and look after your beloved pets. Let's chat via a video messenger (e.g. WhatsApp, FaceTime, Skype).


I immigrated from Russia to Australia at Christmas 2016, and became a house sitter to explore the new land and make new friends. In the meantime, Irina was busy with a very complex procedure to transfer our cat too. As she finished, she joined me. We were house sitters until October 2017.

As a house sitter, I was looking after very young and very old cats (usually 2-3 at the same house); dogs (2-3 as well) of very different sizes (3kg to 80kg) and ages; fish sometimes. Irina accompanied me and also looked after chickens.
It was necessary to give medication to old furry friends (pills, liquids, skin creams), and to cook for an old dog.
Later, house owners have reported the following positive behavioural changes:
* Timid rescued dog has become noticeably more communicative;
* Very old s

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Irina, 34 Jahre alt, unemployed, Ehepartner / Partner

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Russisch

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