Philip C.

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Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

Letzte Aktivität: vor mehr als 6 Monaten
Letzte Aktivität: vor mehr als 6 Monaten

Über Philip C.

67 Jahre alt | Volunteer in developing countries | Allein

A semi-retired mature international volunteer, late 60's, fit and healthy, generous and kind. Having been volunteering in International development for the last 8 years (in Laos PDR) looking at easing into less volunteering.
I was,​ up to recently, a strategic planner in one of Australia’s largest Universities. In the last 8 year working as a volunteer development advisor to the Laos PDR Government across four Ministries of Health, Mining, Information and Security..
I have a long experience in raising my our own pets, cats, a dog and fish. I have a great affinity with cats a renowned cat-whisperer.
Having owned and renovated my own house I am very familiar with house care and maintenance, always of the approach "leave it in a better state/condition than we found it".
Looking to house sit in France, Scotland and Ireland and Scandinavian as my ancestors are from these ares and I would cherish an opportunity to experience local living. Non smoker, non drinker.

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