Nadia b.

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Los Angeles, California, United States

Über Nadia b.

35 Jahre alt | artist

I am an Argentinian full-time artist, have been nomadic since I was 18, mostly traveling alone. I now have communities in Austin, LA, and Bali, where I usually live and paint murals. I am turning 30 this month and ready to explore house sitting again, as it is such a lovely way to be sustainable while experiencing a different place, and being surrounded by animals and plants. I love the idea of a shared economy where people connect with people to trade and empower one another instead of having only monetary transactions. All of these systems are great in balance and combination. I am mindful and heart-centered and enjoy celebrating whatever spaces I am in through conscious action and love. I enjoy making connections and friendships with people from all over and also recommending travel adventures. I care for animals so deeply and am always happy to take care of them. I generally house sit when I am in a place for an art project for example painting a big mural for 10 days. I am happy to house sit for short stays and long stays depending on the location and art opportunities. Thank you for reading!



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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Spanisch | Portugiesisch

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