Sylvia v.

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Perth, Western Australia, Australia

Über Sylvia v.

62 Jahre alt | Medical Receptionist

My husband Harley and I are an active, retired couple from Perth, Australia. I worked as medical receptionist/accounts clerk in medical practices and hospitals. Harley worked in electronics before running his own business paving and landscaping.

We love travelling and discovering new places and different cultures.
We are clean, house proud and non-smoking. We love gardening and being outdoors and animals. We enjoy walking, which works well with exercising dogs plus venturing the local scenery.

After travelling extensively touring through Europe and Northwestern USA, we enjoy spending time in one place and absorbing the local customs and culture, house sitting allows us to do this. Also we love tasting (and learning to cook) the local cuisine. Living as the locals live. Language has never been a barrier in all our travels.

Harley and I have extensive experience house sitting here in Australia, Europe, Canada and Costa Rica, all with excellent references.
Our experience includes looking after domestic dogs and cats, as well as rescued Baby kangaroos and dingo pups.
We have house sat various types of homes each with differing maintenance, gardening and technological requirements, as well as pools,
Our longest house sit was three months in a small village near Strasbourg where we had the responsibility of looking after two active dogs, taking care of the house and garden and proactive in the maintenance.
Our most recent sit was a lovely home in Costa Rica. The heat, humidity and high rainfall presented a wide range of maintenance issues, including ventilation, normalising electrical equipment and adjusting of pool chemical levels.

Harley and I are experienced, independent and reliable, we are also resourceful and knowledgeable in handyman issues. We love gardening and being out of doors.
We are definitely house proud and we treat any accommodation with the same respect as if it was our own.
We are respectful and aware of the importance of privacy and discretion, particularly how this pertains to looking after a person's home.
We love animals and understand that each pet has it’s own personality and needs, and will insure that these needs are met.
We would be pleased to have you consider us and look forward to the opportunity to discuss your requirements and our credentials. Our experience should give you peace of mind knowing that your pets will receive the best of care and your home is maintained to the highest standard.

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Harley, 71 Jahre alt, Retired, Ehepartner / Partner

Gesprochene Sprache(n)

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