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Sacramento, California, United States


Über Masha

36 Jahre alt | Analyst

I am Californian but my heart and head belongs in Europe. ***I have house and pet sit before both in Europe and in states but not using this website*** I have refrences
Hi, My name is Mashal and I have just quit my corporate job that was no good (except for making me $$$) and I wish to give myself some months in Europe and indulge in living a FULL life. I came across this method of traveling and would love to spend some quality time taking care of the best the world has to offer (innocent pets...that is) I love cats...I used to have 9 cats at one time... dogs are the cutest...and i love babysitting (arent they like our babies, anyway?) Both cats and dogs together...(free entertainment, I call it).
P.s I have already aupaired in Italy for over 2 month years with different families, I am used to looking after people's houses and babies (both human and animal).
I can also give you my LinkedIn profile if needed and refrences from both Europe and states.

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Condécourt, France - November 2019

Expérience très réussie avec Masha. Elle a d'emblée aimé mes 2 chats. Elle a su porter une attention à la nourriture , à l'eau et au confort de mes animaux. J'ai retrouvé les cages des lapins étincelantes! Ma maison, de plus, était parfaitement propre, encore mieux qu'à mon départ! Je recommande chaudement Masha, qui est une personne avenante et de bon contact.

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