Katie m.

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Brisbane, Queensland, Australia

Über Katie m.

29 Jahre alt | Social Worker

Hi there!
I am 25 years old from Australia and for the past few months I have been travelling throughout Europe. In Australia I worked as a social worker for 6 years and completed a Bachelor of Social science and criminology. I have grown up with pets all my life (dogs, cats, fish, guinea pigs, birds) so am skilled in caring for their every need. I am a huge animal lover and also love nature so I will be happy to take care of any gardening and pet needs. I hope to have house sitting opportunities throughout Europe so I can explore new places and emerge myself in the culture, whilst spending time with any pets you may have.
I am very clean and tidy and will treat your house and any animals/garden with respect and care. I have minded houses for my friends, family and acquaintances throughout the past few years and have been praised at my trustworthiness and cleanliness. Please do not hesitate to contact me should you require any further information. Hope to hear from you soon!

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