Magdalena h.

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Prague, Prague, Czech Republic


Über Magdalena h.

32 Jahre alt | Prague

My name is Magdalena and I´m 27 years old girl from Prague. I live by myself and trying to finish my master degree :) I work as social worker and as PR specialist. Love music, play piano, love arts and culture.
I used to live at village with three cats and two dogs and lot of farm animals so I´m more than comfortable with taking care of pets. Also I used to be a volunteer in Pet Heroes ( - organization which provides complex care about abandoned cats and dogs. Now it´s impossible for me to continue in my volunteernig due to my job so at least a enjoy to take care of dogs or cats of my friends and family members.
I can send you contacs to people who have experiences with my pet sitting if you want :)

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Maria t.

BG, Serbia - Februar 2020

Magdalena and her boyfriend stayed at our place and took care of our two cats. They were perfect guests, updating us for my cat's health situation (he had an issue at that time) and making us feel better that we have left them in good hands. They were really nice and friendly people, and would love to meet them again if we visit their home towns. And for sure, they're always welcome again to our place! I highly recommend them, for being responsible, communicative and respectful.

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